Compressed air is used in a vast majority of bulk solids handling systems to operate equipment such as valves, flow aids and bearing purges. Compressed air is used in almost all industrial facilities and a staggering number of these systems have leaks. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates an average leakage rate of 25%, up to as much as 80%. This means a significant amount of energy and money is being wasted on lost air.
Pneumatic conveying systems typically use compressors as the motive air source, requiring a great amount of air flow. Leaks in these compressed air systems can result in wasted electricity, reduced performance of the overall bulk solids handling system, decreased productivity, and increased maintenance costs. Leaks can also negatively impact equipment life and overall plant productivity.
Compressed air leaks reduce the amount of air flow needed to move product due to decreased pressure at use points. To offset this loss, facilities often turn up the compressor pressure to compensate for the leakage. Of course, increased pressure will also cause more air to flow out of a leak. In other words, higher operating pressure increases the inefficiency and makes a bad problem worse.
The annual energy cost for a single leak can be estimated with the following formula:
Annual Cost of Leak = Leakage Rate (Cubic Feet per Minute) x Kilowatt/CFM x Operating Hours x Cost/KH per Kilowatt Hour)
Annual Cost of Leak = 6.5 CFM x 0.18 kW/CFM x $0.1345/kWh x 8,000 hours x = $1,259 loss/year for a single small leak!
Aliquam sed urna ac eros tempor rhoncus. Donec porta erat sed consectetur consequat. Pellentesque vel congue erat, nec semper mauris. In eleifend porttitor commodo. Sed odio ex, efficitur eleifend magna ut, faucibus ultrices odio. Aliquam eget elementum metus. In imperdiet, ex vitae vestibulum posuere, urna lacus rutrum justo, at auctor lectus est a magna. Etiam nulla leo, ultricies id lacus pellentesque, gravida mattis augue.
Aliquam sed urna ac eros tempor rhoncus. Donec porta erat sed consectetur consequat. Pellentesque vel congue erat, nec semper mauris. In eleifend porttitor commodo. Sed odio ex, efficitur eleifend magna ut, faucibus ultrices odio. Aliquam eget elementum metus. In imperdiet, ex vitae vestibulum posuere, urna lacus rutrum justo, at auctor lectus est a magna. Etiam nulla leo, ultricies id lacus pellentesque, gravida mattis augue.
Example quote here. In imperdiet, ex vitae vestibulum posuere, urna lacus rutrum justo, at auctor lectus est a magna. - Ben D'Alessio, Marketing Manager