It’s a dilemma that every manager faces: Is it better to consolidate or diversify your manufacturing operations?
Deciding between these two avenues has only become more challenging in recent years due to COVID and its related disruptions. While managers can appreciate the cost savings and efficiencies that come with consolidation, COVID has driven home the need for diversification which provides flexibility to navigate uncertainties.
This balancing act between consolidation and diversification lends itself to the value of hybrid manufacturing operations that blend the two ideas. Our white paper lays out a plan for modest diversification that offers macro-level resilience and the company-wide harmonization of systems and machinery that supports micro-level efficiency and flexibility. It’s what our team at AZO sees as the NextGen factory solution.
Recognizing the importance of this topic — and the questions that surround it — we’ve put together a white paper that provides a deeper analysis. Looking at modern operational and financial considerations for consolidation and diversification strategies, we build a case for the benefits of adopting a hybrid approach.
What’s more, you’ll have access to a practical roadmap for understanding potential risks and uncertainties so you can create the best hybrid strategy for your operations. We have also updated the white paper to draw on lessons learned in the last 3 years of unprecedented market disruption. We hope these insights will help these management officials in explaining to stakeholders – owners, employees, consumers and suppliers – what scenario has been chosen and why.
Download your free copy of the white paper here.
Have a situation that calls for expert troubleshooting and service? AZO’s network of service and support professionals are located throughout North America, as well as in our home office. They are available by phone at for remote assistance with issues such as these around the clock, and emergency repairs.
For more information about how AZO can help you properly maintain your bulk flow material handling silos, contact info-azo-usa@azo.com or call 901-794-9480.